Study of Euglena | General characters and classification

Study of Euglena with General character and classification-

General characters- 

1.Habitat : it is found in a stagnant fresh water such as pools and ponds which contain decaying organic matter.
2. Locomotion : Euglena moves by the whiplike action of a single flagellum. As Waves pass along the flagellum from the base to the tip. The organisms rotate as it moves. It can also move by the contraction of fibrils in its body called Myonemes. These contraction brings about a sequence of changes in the shape and cause euglenoid movement.

3. Euglena viridis is a green and photo-autotrophic organism.The Euglena absorb carbon dioxide from the water in which he lives and energy from the sunlight to carry photosynthesis. It make up its nitrogen requirements by absorbing nitrogenous substances such as amino acids from the water.
4. Structure: Euglena is a microscopic organisms of about 0.125mm long. It has a definite share, which is slender, and tapers towards each end. The font end is blunt and the hind end is pointed. Euglena is green because it contains green chloroplasts. At the anterior end is a flask shaped structure called gullet. From the bottom of this gullet arises a long filament called flagellum.
5. It absorbs oxygen from the water through its entire body surface and uses it for respiration.
6. Osmoregulatiom : There is one contractile vacuoles, with tributary canals, which collects excess water from the cytoplasm and discharges it into the gullet.
7. Excretion: Euglena excrete by diffusing the waste materials[Carbon dioxide and nitrogenous ] through the external body surface from it body.
8. Sensitivity : Euglena viridis moves towards a source of light.
It also reacts to harmful chemicals by turning and moving away.
9. Reproduction: Euglena reproduces asexual only by binary fission.
A fully grown individual divides lengthwise beginning from the anterior to the posterior end.
Phylum- Protozoa
Sub-phylum- Sarcomastigophora
Superclass- Mastigophora
Class- Phytomastigophora
Order- Euglenida
Genus- Euglena
Species- viridis


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